We’re still working on Principle Two, Deep Hum Dancers.
So many people have told me that they “can’t sing” or “can’t dance”! How do they know this? Some parent, sibling or third grade teacher told them so.
Not true! Everyone can sing, and everyone can dance! If you are alive, your heart is drumming and dancing your blood through your veins. If you can move your eyes you can dance. If you can move one finger you can dance. If you can make a sound you can sing. Sometimes I even sing inside my head and it still works to give me joy!
You may not be a candidate for the professional opera or ballet company (certainly I’m not!), but who cares? The singing and dancing that we need to be doing is for our own well-being, and in turn the well-being of the universe.
If you are one of those people who has been told they can’t dance or can’t sing, how do you go about beginning to dance and sing? One way is to join a group like InterPlay (www.interplay.org) where it is clear that the dancing and singing is for fun and the environment is non-judgmental. There are organizations for non-judgmental group dance springing up like mushrooms all over the world. There probably is one near you.
For me, singing and dancing in a group situation is the most healing, but if you are still uncomfortable about doing this in a group you might start by singing in the shower, dancing alone in the living room or, if that still seems difficult, try having your hands dance with each other. Try dancing with one finger with a child. Children love to dance and sing. They know they can!
Still too hard? Then do as the late great Doug Adams suggested. Wiggle your toes in your shoes!
Improvisational dancing and singing? Oh! My! Read about it in my next blog!
I have more suggestions in my book, Dancing the Deep Hum. You can learn more about the book and my other writings at www.deephum.com. You can purchase Dancing the Deep Hum online at Lulu.com, Amazon, or Powells, or order it from your local bookstore.