A Deep Hum: Seven Songs of Creation

A Deep Hum:
Seven Songs of Creation

Songs composed by Connie Pwll Walck Tyler
Directed by Arlene Sagan
Performed by the Deep Hum Chorus and Orchestra


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The intent of this suite
is to celebrate the creation of the universe
with writings chosen because they have
a particular resonance
with the present day scientific
theories of the cosmos.

See More about A Deep Hum, Seven Songs of Creation for information and words from each song.

Auguries of Innocence by William Blake

This music, based on the first four lines of a poem by  the 18th century English mystical poet and engraver, William Blake, is sung  a cappella by the members of the Deep Hum Chorus.  Its focus on the relationship of the very small to the very large has resonance in Chaos Theory and in Fractals.

What Stirred? from the Rig Veda, 10:129

The Rig Veda is one of four books of hymns written by the Aryan people who moved into India some time between 1300 and 1000 BCE.  This song states the basic questions that scientists have been trying to answer since the beginning of time.  What started it all?  What stirred and made creation happen?  This piece is performed by Kathryn Singh, Soprano; Alison Thomas, Alto; Clarence Douglas Wright,Tenor; Howard Kadis, Guitar; Pwll, Drum

And It Was Good from Genesis 1-3

This first creation poem found in the Judeo Christian scriptures was actually written after the second of the two creations poems found in Genesis (the story of Adam and Eve).  It is sung by the Deep Hum Chorus with Matthew Laurence Edwards at the Piano and Nancy Hunt on the flute.

Is It Mother of the World? from the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu

These two verses from the most famous of the Taoist literature may have been written as early as the 6th century BCE.  This piece is sung by Alison Thomas, with Nancy Hunt on the flute, Vivian M. Evans, Bells, Clarence Douglas Wright, Gongs and Connie Tyler, Industrial Chimes.  The Industrial Chimes were created by Kenneth and Connie Tyler from square steel pipes from the hardware store.

All Things from the Avatamsaka Sutra

Often the myths and writings about creation start with a sound, like the vibration, that movement of the singularity as it pops into existence in scientific theory.  And before existence, the dream?  Sung by Erica Grevemeyer, Alison Thomas, Altos and Jordan Fong, Jeff Nelson, Clarence Douglas Wright, Tenors, with Horns and Deep Chanting created by Roland Synthesizer.

At Every Moment by Laleh Bakhtiar

These words from a contemporary book about Sufism, a branch of Islam, speak of the continuation of creation, that the universe and creation are not fixed, but emerging, “continuously” and “instantaneously”.  The song is sung in unison by the Deep Hum Chorus and accompanied by Kathryn Singh, Janet Small, violins, and  Sally Blaker, Andrew Ritchie, Cellos.

Birthing a Universe words by Connie Tyler with quotes from John Gribbon, David Filkin, Phillip Dauber and Richard Muller

The words of this song interpret scientific theory about the origins of the universe.  The music places many of the themes from the earlier pieces next to a part of scientific theory that they resonate with.  This music is performed by Roland Synthesizer and Connie Tyler.

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