Howling in the Night, an Eerie Wonder

Wouldn’t you like to leap and spin around and over your friends and end up out of breath in a mush pile, a laughing heap of beings? That’s what wolf pups do.
The wolf is one of the animals that call to me, one of my Tla Twein. (see my earlier post on the Tla Twein)
I notice that many people love wolves. For some of my piano students, the stickers of wolves that I receive in the mail from conservation organizations are the first choice to put on a finished song.
Two conflicting ideas about wolves are prevalent. One is of the “lone wolf”, solitary, strong, but alone. The other is of the close warm ties between the members of a wolf pack.
But perhaps they’re not so conflicting. Perhaps we yearn for the comradery, the playful closeness of the pack, and yet feel like the lone wolf who is seeking a pack. On the other hand, sometimes we need the solitary alone (but not lonely) of the “lone wolf”. Sometimes we need to move away from the pull toward compliance of the pack. We need to find our own path.
But the lone wolf doesn’t stay completely alone. Sometimes in the night the lone wolf howls. If others can hear them, they respond, and the song echoes back and forth across the miles. This howling in the night is an eerie wonder – wolves singing together reaching with their songs across long distances to lone wolves and other packs (and all the other species that can hear them). Strange dissonances send thrills up our spine, bring new ideas of harmony, new possibilities.
Solitary singing is good, but when we sing in a group there is something so powerful and breathtaking that happens that I, at least, can hardly contain the joy. And when a human composer brings in the forbidden dissonance we hear in the wolf songs, I tremble with some combination of fear and delight. It’s clear, when we watch videos of wolves howling, that this power of harmony and dissonance happens for the wolves, too.
I confess, when the husky down the street howls in her yard as my dogs and I go past, I cannot restrain myself from howling back. Sometimes if she isn’t howling, I’ll give a little howl and she joins me. My little dogs don’t howl with the husky, only with the fire sirens. But when they howl, they sit up so straight, so earnest, so involved in the howl, that I know it’s a spiritual ritual, a solemn invocation of….?
What is it that the wolf as my Tla Twei is asking me to take on? Perhaps it’s the cooperative bonding of the pack for the serious business of the hunt – in my case to take on the serious problems of the world – and the restful dance of playtime ending in the physical closeness of the mush pile.
And in the night, the ritual of singing in strange harmonies, reaching joyfully to my fellow humans on the other side of the valley or the world.

In my book, The Earth Woman Tree Woman Quartet, the Tla Twein are trying to bring humans back into the sacred Dance of Life, the Tsin Twei. You can purchase print and ebook versions at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and order print versions from your local independent bookstore.
Want to explore your own Tla Twein? If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area you can attend a three hour workshop on April 28th in Oakland where we will move and sing, write and create art work in search of the reason our particular Tla Twei call us. The fee is “pay what you can”. Contact me at for more information. Put Tla Twein Workshop in the subject line.